Fitful Regeneration
No, I didn't die in San Diego. I had a great time, but it was very big and very crazy, and my head is only now spinning to a hault. Also, I had two papers due for crazy grad classes, and I desperately wanted to waste several days this week doing nothing.
You'll notice (And by "you," I mean my hypothetical audience of three: Mom, Dad & Jimmy Calhoun from 3rd Grade who still thinks I stole his Clash of the Titans lunch box and is still plotting a way to get back at me. "Hey, Jimmy! Lots of people had that lunch box! It was a very popular movie! They got Laurence Olivier to play Zeus! OLIVIER!" I'm kidding, of course. My Dad has never been to my website.) that the website looks a little bit different than the last time you were here.
I went through a couple different designs, but ultimately settled on... well, this. It's a little "bloggier" than the old design, and I'm sure that some folks (Mom, Jimmy) will miss the little cartoon avatar that frowns. But I wanted to streamline.
And, look, if you put your mouse over the logo, it gets smaller! Genius!
More updates next week. I think I probably still have that footage of the Mustang's top going down. Hmm...

*sniff, sniff*
Oh, how I miss my Mustang.