We've Been Hacked!
For some reason, someone thought it would be a good idea to hack the Scryptic Studios site. It wasn't a very serious hack; they just locked out the admins and made it slightly more difficult for us to get in and update the site.
(And to be fair, I wouldn't rule out that one of us accidentally unchecked something somewhere, and that there really IS no phantom hacker; kind of like how I've now accidentally edited over two people's posts in the forums...)
But hackers do exists, and they do do stuff like this. As I understand it, the justification, when there is one, is that "sites should have been security." A hacker exposes weaknesses and forces you to become a better site.
Kind of like how your father dressed you up in a little pink dress, slapped you, and called you "Suzie."
Or, you know, so I've heard.