Mementos - Jobs Gone By
There was a period in my life a few years back where I was going through a serious polaroid phase. Not specifically because I had lost my ability to make new memories and had killed Joey Pants, but that might have had something to do with it.
In any case, this week I thought it would be fun/interesting/sad to dig up some of those old pictures and feature them on the site. The first is a polaroid of a cubicle I sat at back when I was working at The Princeton Review:

As you may know, I recently quit my latest day job, and I hate the idea of day jobs with a passion, even when they're for a good cause.
That said, I'm almost certainly going to wind up back at a cubicle soon, since (not many people know this) that's how you get the money for the eating and the drinking and the comfy indoor napping.
Two details about this photo that are sadly too small to fully appreciate:
First, the headline to the newspaper on the desk reads "THEY GOT THE JOKER." So, yes, you can get copies of The Gotham Gazzette in Manhattan. They're just a little more expensive.
And, second, if you look in the background, you can just barely make out another of these polaroids tacked up to the wall. I'll be featuring that photo in an entry a little bit later in the week.
There's a sad story coming on Friday.