NYCC Photos
I had a great time at the NY con this weekend. (Which makes me feel a little bit guilty considering all the trouble that other folks had.) I'll put together something resembling a post-con report sometime later in the week, once I've had a chance to nap.
In the mean time, here are two con pics, shamelessly pilfered from Tom Leong (of Comic Foundry fame). As a means of assuaging my conscience about THAT, let me point out that the venerable CF will be relaunching as a sort of online magazine later this year.
(Comic Foundry, even in it's unrelaunched, nowish splendor is actually quite a helpful resource for aspiring comic book writers, comic book artists, and other afficianados of all things "how do I break into comics?")
First, a photo of me, barely:

And, second, specifically for my roommate Mike, a sight that I tried (and failed to capture) on my owncamera phone:

Here's a link to the complete photo parade, minus my snarky captions.