My Roommate Crisis
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This is NOT a joke: New York based comic book writer Drew Melbourne DESPERATELY needs a new roommate by April 1st.
Drew recognizes the irony. On April 5th, Dark Horse will be releasing the first issue of his new comics series, ArchEnemies, which tells the story of a superhero and a supervillain who don't realize that they're roommates in their secret identities.
"I've spent so much time writing about roommate catastrophes that I was bound to have one of my own," Drew explains. "Call it the Grant Morrison Effect!"
Drew shares a three bedroom apartment in Spanish Harlem with his friend Mike. A third roommate recently moved out, and now Drew and Mike are scrambling to find someone to replace him.
"Our apartment is half a block from the 6 train, and a block from nearest police station. It's safe and convenient. And the rent, utilities, etc. come out to less than $700 per person, which is very reasonable for Manhattan."
Drew is a writer, comedian, and community activist. Mike likes beer. They are looking for a pleasant, mellow roommate with a steady income. (Or a super rich party animal who's never, ever, ever home.)
"Also, no supervillains," Drew adds. "I know how that one turns out."
Whoever Drew and Mike select as their new roommate will receive a free copy of ArchEnemies #1 and will be featured in a back-up story in ArchEnemies #4!
Unless… you know… you don't want to be.
Drew has also offered to mentor his new roommate, if he (or she) is an aspiring comics creator.
If you're looking for an apartment and you're interested in becoming Drew's new roommate, please contact him ASAP at
ArchEnemies #1 (of 4) features story by Drew Melbourne and art by Yvel Guichet. It arrives on sale April 5 with a retail price of $2.99. To find out more about ArchEnemies, visit

(This is an EMERGENCY, so please feel free to forward this press release to any interested parties or to repost it to blogs and message boards as appropriate! Just don't spam anyone!!!)