Everybody Play UGLY SHIRT


Here's a fun new game from the diseased mind that brought you Double Steak Day! Ladies and gentlemen, meet Ugly Shirt!!!

Ugly Shirt is the addictive game of making your friends dress poorly. Just pick out a terrible, terrible shirt*, give it to your friend, and say, "Tonight you're playing Ugly Shirt!"

There are three key rules to Ugly Shirt:

    1. Never explain Ugly Shirt.

    2. Never apologize for Ugly Shirt.

    3. Throughout the night you must work into casual conversation the following expression: "So how about this shirt?"

You may ask, "Drew, I understand how to PLAY Ugly Shirt, but how do you WIN Ugly Shirt?"

What a silly question! When you play Ugly Shirt, everybody wins!

(Or maybe I'm the only one who wins. It's ambiguous.)


* Please only pick out shirts that are aesthetically displeasing. Don't pick out shirts with offensive slogans or images or that will in any way make your friend feel morally uncomfortable. The game is called Ugly Shirt, not "Please don't hit me, even though my shirt says I hate Jews."