My Bathroom Senses


At work, they have these individual, closet-type bathrooms all lined along a central hallway. And the lights are motion-activated, except when they're not.

The light in one of the bathrooms was out for several days last week, so if you closed the door behind you it was basically pitch black. The bathroom with the burnt out light was also the closest and most convenient bathroom, though, and I found myself accidentally wandering in several times over the course of the week.

The first time or two, I just shook my head and headed off to a different tiny closet-bathroom. But then I had an epiphany:

You know how if you lose one sense, all your other senses become that much more powerful? Like, a deaf person can see 25% better, etc. (I vaguely remember reading that somewhere, so it must be true.) Well, what if the same thing is true with bathrooms?

If I can teach myself to pee in the pitch black, then all of my non-vision pee-related senses should increase proportionately. That means that everytime I'm in a bathroom, my senses of hearing, touch, smell, and taste would be enhanced!

And, um, who doesn't want to hear, touch, smell, and taste more stuff in a... um...

Okay, maybe I haven't thought this through yet.