Meet Your Meals
Big Double Steak Day news today. Yes, as promised yesterday, we have mascots:

This is a neat bit of symmetry. I conceived the DSX2 mascots a few weeks go, but didn't have time to "flesh them out." (It's after 1 AM as I type this, so I'm not sure if that's a pun or not.) "Cows named Lunch and Dinner" was about as far as I'd gotten.
The art above comes from the first ever DSX2 holiday card. It's provided by some dude named Pete, who I've never met, and who was never actually told about Lunch (the mascot, not the meal) and Dinner (ibid). Apparently he just thought (as I did) that it's not DSX2 without cute, cuddly, soon-to-be-consumed livestock.
Thanks for the card "dude named Pete"!
So there you have it! Lunch and Dinner, mascots for your consumption.
That wraps up the post-DSX2 wrap-up for this year, except to say that next year's festivities will be held on December 14th.
Check this space next Fall for T-shirts, gift cards, and any other swag that we can think up.
Happy Holidays!