Soooper Doooper Tooosday
Today's the day that over 20 U.S. states (and American Samoa) have their primaries. If you live in one of those 20+ U.S. states (and/or American Samoa), please vote. And if you vote, we here at encourage you to vote for Barack Obama.

First, he's received the endorsement of Aint-It-Cool-News chief, Harry Knowles.
Second, do not talk about Fight Club.
Yesterday, I had the chance to attend a small rally for Obama at the Meadowlands in New Jersey, where he was also endorsed by Bobby DeNiro.

After the rally, I was fortunate enough to arrange a quick interview with Da Bam, which I've transcribed for you below:
Interviewer: Thank you for running for President!
Mister Obama: Thank you!
We also shook hands.
I would have conducted a longer interview, but the secret service were eying me suspiciously, and a small Dominican woman was stepping on my foot.
Seriously, though, Barack Obama is awesome.
To find out more about the Obama campaign, to contribute, or to volunteer, go to