Writing Muscles
What day is it? Is it the 30th yet? No?
When I decided to do this whole "update the site every day" thing, lo those many weeks ago, I knew it was going to be a challenge. Despite the occasional success, I've never been a very disciplined writer. I'm more of a spurter, frankly, inclined to long periods of not writing followed by quick bursts of productivity.
(I'm told productivity comes out with a little club soda.)
So the goal was never to be brilliant or funny or even all that interesting each and every night. ("Now he tells me.") The goal has simply been to keep going. To find the time and the space and the presence of mind to write something new every night, even if the writing itself isn't all that revelatory.
The thought process goes: "The more you use your writing muscles, the stronger they become." I'm told that if you keep exercising, it becomes easier over time. So it is with writing. You need to establish routines, force yourself to stick to them, and hopefully eventually they become second nature. Or at least third or fourth nature. Anywhere in the top five would be good for me.
Obviously, writing more regularly improves productivity. It should also improve quality overall. If you believe the adage that every writer has a thousand bad pages in them (or ten thousand or a million) then the more writing you do, the quicker you get through to the good stuff.
Furthermore, if you keep pumping out work as quick as you can, you're bound to turn out something that's at least a little brilliant eventually, if only by accident.
All of which is to say, "I'm sorry. I was mostly asleep when I wrote yesterday's update." And I mean the kind of sleep where you wake up, and you've just written two paragraphs that make absolutely no sense.
I probably should have kept all that in, if only for the sake of demonstration. You'll just have to take my word for it now. I was very tired and ready for beddy.
I think about people like Ze Frank, who posted a new video blog every day for a year, or even those bloggers who update their sites several times a day, and I don't know how any of them do it.
Come July 1st, I'm going to be totally burnt, and I'm just posting nonsense most nights.
Still, I'll have accomplished something. And sometimes that's enough. Just put one foot in front of the other, and start walking.
And now that I'm within sight of achieving one arbitrary goal, it's time to start thinking about the next one. Now that I've proven that I can consistently find hours of the day each day to write (usually right around midnight, as it turns out), what do I do with that time?
Looking forward, my goal with July is to narrow in on one comic book project that I really want to move forward with, and to get another X pages done on my novel. "Which project" and "how many pages" = "X" are details still to be determined.
Then again, if I'm feeling particularly masochistic, maybe my goal will simply be to update my website twice a day!
Maybe not.
One week to go.