Fun with iTunes
I've long been resistant to partaking in the eye-toons, partially because I had visions of this:

But mostly because it required you to submit your credit card information even if you only wanted to download something that was already free (like that prequel to that Wes Anderson movie where the girl from the Star Wars prequels was apparently naked but that's not why I wanted to see it, get your mind out of the gutter).
But if there's one man who can get me to hand over my sooper-secret identity-theftable type information, it's Mr. Joss Whedon. I wrote about Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog last month, and by now I'm sure everybody knows about it and knows it's on the eye-toons for $3.99 (or $5.97 if you want to click more buttons).
Needless to say, it's awesome, and well worth your time. It's also, after a lot of comedy in the first two acts, a surprising downer in the end. (But in a good way.)
Also up at the eye-toons is the first part of the weird floaty flash animation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's Watchmen. This is a weird fusion of those flat 60s Marvel cartoons and... Um...

Well, basically it's just that.
Except they go to all the trouble to animate it and score it, and they just have one guy read all the parts, which is especially unnerving when they intro Silk Spectre.
I'm comfortable with audio books, where the reader is clearly telling the entire story, but this is not that. Instead, it comes across as "Voice-O the Great, Master of All Voices Except For The Ones That He Ca--OH, SHUT UP SHUT UP AND JUST BE HAPPY WITH YOUR COMIC!"
Remember, before it was weird motion thing, Watchmen used to be the greatest graphic novel of all time. Would you like an action figure with that, Mr. Moore?

If you're willing to tell them your sooper-secrets, part one is free.