John Edwards and the Facts
Now, I don't think men should commit adultery, but...
Presidents from Clinton to Kennedy to JFK to Thomas "I Treat My Slaves VERY Well" Jefferson cheated on their wives.

And now we find out that let's-keep-this-in-perspective not-going-to-be-President John Edwards also had an affair? Okay, he's a jackass, but a jackass in the mold of the aforementioned actually-became-Presidents. And the spin I see the news media taking on the story -- that this is hypocricy that somehow invalidates the moral authority of John Edwards' stand against poverty -- is absolutely ludicrous.
The media seems incapable of grasping facts. As in:
- The FACT that Edwards lied to the public about an affair does not change the FACT that millions of children live in poverty in the United States of America.
Now, if his platform had been "There are two Americas. One where men are faithful to their wives, and another where they sleep with videographers. America #1 must invade America #2 and leave no survivors!" then, sure, I would agree that he's a hypocrite.
But the truth is that Edwards embraced an important cause and gave voice to the needs of millions of Americans. He did a good thing, and whether he did that good thing for noble purposes or for selfish purposes is very much beside the point.
Two more facts:
- FACT: John Edwards is a jackass.
FACT: America needs more jackasses like John Edwards.
But, if I can be allowed a quantum of snark: