The Question John McCain Can't Answer
After watching Chris Wallace skip the obvious follow-up questions on Fox News Sunday earlier today, I feel the need to put forward the following obvious elephant-in-the-room question:
- Senator McCain, your vice-presidential candidate has said on multiple occasions that Senator Obama "pals around with terrorists." That's "terrorists," plural, implying that he has multiple associations with terrorists, when we know in fact that she is only referring to former radical Bill Ayers. She is deliberately misstating the truth to create a false impression about Senator Obama. In so-called robocalls to voters, your campaign has said that Senator Obama "has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers." And while this is, as you've pointed out, factually accurate, you neglect to inform voters that he worked with Bill Ayers on a Republican-organized board of directors. The calls are deliberately phrased to mislead. They are deliberately phrased to make it sound like Senator Obama has conspired with a terrorist to commit terrorism, and you've approved of these calls at a time when you know that fringe elements are coming to your rallies and shouting words like "Treason!" and "Terrorist!" and "Kill him!" You are playing games with the truth while American citizens, however ignorant, however uninformed, are spewing hate and contemplating murder. You have attacked an American hero, congressman John Lewis, for drawing attention to these dangerous games, and you have called on Senator Obama to repudiate this American hero's words. My question for you, Mister McCain, is when will you repudiate your own heinous actions and the actions of your vice-presidential candidate and of your campaign?
My guess is that his answer would be, "It's a tough campaign. None of this would have happened if Barack Obama agreed to participate in 10 joint town hall appearances." So, to pin him down:
- Senator McCain, on being told that Barack Obama "pals around with terrorists," do you think that an uninformed voter would be more likely to conclude that Barack Obama knows a single terrorist or many terrorists?
- Senator McCain, on being told that Barack Obama "worked" with a domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, do you think that an uninformed voter would be more likely to conclude that Barack Obama worked with him on a board of directors to reform the Chicago public schools or worked with him to commit terrorism?
He either lies and says the statements would not be misleading, or he admits the truth, or he says he's not sure, admitting unconscionable negligence.
Someone with a microphone please find him and ask him these questions.