Countdown to a Novel (Revisions)
I've still got a long way to go with the novel I'm writing (Percival Gynt and the Conspiracy of Days), but in commemoration of the first day of NaNoWriMo, I wanted to toss up something writery.
(Fun Fact #312: writer's get to make up their own words.)
Here's a quick set of questions I put together to help guide me through the ongoing editing/revision process:
- Are the characters consistent? engaging? distinct?
- Are the plot points clear? Are the individual moments clear?
- Is the exposition too heavy-handed? Does it stop the narrative in its tracks?
- Is the plot too slow paced?
- Is the description too flower/over the top? Is there anything jarring about the prose style? Are the shifts in tone jarring?
- Are any of the elements too derivative?
- Do any of the emotional moments fall flat or feel forced?
- Is any of the foreshadowing too jarring or too vague to be valuable?
- Are there clear stakes? Does the plot seem to wander too much?
- Who likes cookies?
(Fun Fact #313: the best writers always know who likes the cookies.)