Links and Bits
This week:
- Watchmen
- Survivor
- Spider-Man
- Cat
- Twitter
- Batman
- After seeing Zack Snyder's Watchmen, I'm really interested in reading the screenplay that David Hayter wrote for the Paul Greengrass version. Or this cartoon:
- "Coach" and Tyson from this season's Survivor are David Brent and Gareth Keegan from the original Office.

Assistant to the coach.
- Spider-man is awesome. Spider-man with a giant robot is awesomer:
- This cat is coming to get you:
- I refuse to tweet.
- I have no idea what's happening in panel two of this preview page from Morrison and Quitely's upcoming Batman and Robin comic:

If I had to guess, I'd say Batman has built a new Bat-hovercraft that glides on laundry detergent. You laugh, but remember that Morrison was the one who decided that Lex Luthor draws on his eyebrows with a sharpie.