Yes We Can (Again)


Congratulations! You've elected a President.

So... Um... Now what?

Look, I'm not any happier than you about where we are right now. We seem to have handed the political debate in this country over to the most hysterical elements of the Regressive Right.

And last I checked, they lost ten months ago.

You can blame the Obama administration all you want, but that won't get us equal rights or energy independence or universal health care.

So let's be practical. Why did Obama win last November:

  1. he's awesome
  2. we worked our butts off for him

We raised money. We organized. We showed up. We were, to borrow a phrase, both fired up and ready to go.

And, yes, we elected a President. Yay, us! But then what did we do? Well, not much.

The big fights are still ahead of us. But a general can't win a war without his army behind him.

So this is what I propose:

Whatever you did during the election, you do it again on health care.

Did you donate some money? Did you attend a rally? Did you go door to door? Did you wear a button or a T-shirt or put up a sign in your front yard?

Did you simply take a loved one aside and tell them, “This one matters”?

Whatever part you played, however big or small, it's time to play it again.

The grass roots movement in support of Barack Obama during the 2008 election was the largest, most successful grass roots movement in human history. We can do it again.

It's time to show the Discordant Barkers of the Right what Sixty-Two Million Part Harmony sounds like.

Remember: Whatever you did, do it again.

Yes, we can.

[Please feel free to link to or repost this message anywhere and everywhere. If you tweet on this, please use the hash tag #yeswecanagain.]