Comic-Con 2010
Three quick updates:
- I will be at San Diego this weekend, Friday through Sunday. (This year's theme: "Return from the Wilderness*.")
- If you are trying to reach me, please be advised that my old Roadrunner account is being unplugged, but you can still reach me by using [anything] @
- Obligatory third thing, because three things is funnier.
Annnnnnnd on a tenuously related note, for anyone who checks out this website from time to time, you will have noticed a dearth of updates. I'll occasionally go on a twitter-binge, but the truth is that I've been spending most of my time focused on:
Now that #1 is in good shape and going out to publishers and #2 is humming along for an approximate 2017 2018 2019 release, I suspect there may be time for the occasional old school silliness like this.
*And a bonus Spotter's Guide: At the moment, I look something like this: