Last Day in New York
So today's the day that I finally cleaned out my New York apartment.
(Or, to be more accurate, I paid large men to do this work for me. This was money well spent. It took them two hours to do what it would have taken me weeks to do on my own.)

Pictures and recollections after the break...

I've lived in this building for just shy of ten years, so seeing it deconstructed before my eyes was a bit fantastical. As some of you will know, the comic I wrote a few year's back, ArchEnemies, was partially inspired by my years living in this apartment. We even did a series of shorts (not included in the trade) in which me and my apartment take center stage:

And here's the real living room, prepped for moving day:

And my room:

The other bedroom that was NOT blue:

And the other bedroom that WAS blue:

Long story. Involved an art school drop out and... um... well, some blue paint. Okay, it's a short story.
She also painted the bathroom blood red:

But she's not responsible for the additional grossness. That seems to have mostly grown while I was in Massachusetts. Is the official story.
View of the kitchen:

And my little brown stool:

I loved my stool. For a long time, it was the most functional piece of furniture in the apartment. (And early on, the only piece in the living room that actually belonged to me.)
Unfortunately, by the end, it was too sticky to bring with me. Poor little brown sticky stool.
As the large man began to take things out, I took some detail photos to document some of this history of the apartment. For instance:

If you think this door looks bad, you should see the other guy ('s liver).
Here are some cheap Bed, Bath & Beyond blinds after having been savaged by multiple cats:

And this is a good one:

Those holes are directly below where one roommate hung a dartboard. (He was not good at darts.)
My stuff was being taken out in stages, which meant that a lot of it sat on the various landings of the apartment building between trips:

And you thought your cube was cramped:

Walk into the light, furniture! Walk into the light!

But the real challenge was going to be the recliner:

That thing broke ten years ago, when we moved it in, trying to squeeze it down our narrow entry hall:

Ultimately, it was basically just that recliner left to move:

Honestly, I didn't think we'd ever get it out. But, as ever, large men succeeded where smaller men failed:

Finally, the living room too was empty:

In the end, I even think I'll miss the blue room, which had a sort of saintly glow in its final moments:

Just a few loose ends to tie up in New York. Then I'm a Massachusetter for good.

Could be worse. I could be this guy: