Missing Hard Drive
Lost my portable hard drive over the weekend and with it, about a year's worth of writing, including about 100 pages of the novel I've been working on and the entirety of the most recent comic book pitch that I was working on. (Some of this I have in hard copy, but not most of it.)
Needless to say, if you happen to have found this website based on a URL you found in files on a hard drive you just found, I'd really like it back.
Or if anyone happens across a red and white portable hard drive that's just laying out discarded on the street somewhere...
I can be reached by email at harddriveless @ drewmelbourne.com. (Actually, you can put anything before the @ sign and it will get to me.)
Will go curl into a ball and cry now.
(In lieu of flowers, Drew would like the last year of his life back.)