We Wish You A DSx2_2010
Not a new fangled Christmas robot, but rather the fastest growing holiday in America (that involves eating two steaks in one day) (at least as far as I know), today is DSx2_2010 AKA Double Steak Day 2010.
For more on this outrageously awesome holiday/minor medical health risk, check out the official website at DoubleSteakDay.com. You'll note that there's no new merchandise this year (i.e. all the T-Shirts still say "2009") but that'll make the 2010 shirts super-rare and valuable and something something when they finally roll out in early 2011!
New rulings for this year:
- Carne Asada: OK
- Cubed Steak: OK (provisionally)
- Salisbury Steak: Absolutely Not!
- Take Out: OK
- Splitting a Steak: No
- Both Steaks at 1 Meal: No & No
Here's a picture of my first steak today, a simple 8 oz. from Chez Pizzeria Uno:

Expect a second update later today! And possibly some tweets!
First steak of the day today