This Shirt is My Cheat Code
A wise man once wrote, "Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start." As promised, here's the June Shirt of the Month:

Now available for sale at For a limited time.
Be A Barack Superstar!
Now, I don't know if Superman has endorsed Barack Obama in his quest to become the Democratic presidential nominee this year, but I do know that Barack endorses the Man of Steel. (Photographic evidence attached.) And that's good enough for me!
To show my support for Barack (and my support for all that is comic book-y), I designed this special "ZAP OBAMA POW" T-shirt, now available in a range of colors and variations at
Check it out:

You can even get a "ZAP OBAMA POW" tote bag! Get yours today!
Geek-Bouteek and Other Tees
My good friend Jeff Furletti has recently opened up a new website to help geeks dress themselves. It's a T-themed site called...

The site features a pleasant mix of geek chic and, um... more geek chic. Pics to the right. Check 'em out! All procedes go to
geeks Jeff Jeff's Wife.
Not to be outdone, I'm starting off my own "T-Shirt of the Month" tradition for this site. All my shirts will be hosted off (until I can convince Jeff to buy me out). January's shirt is the ever reliable "Beats Paper". It's the first in a series.
Check it out (also):

GB Tees start at $16.00, and "Beats Paper" can be yours for just $19.99!